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Friday 18 October 2013

Tsunami warnings to Smartphones- A Life saving measure

A good news for coastal areas. Soon Tsunami warnings can be send to mobile devices including smartphones. These ocean sensors can also spot drug-running submarines and monitor pollution. All these are done through a deep-sea version of the internet. The U.S. National Science Foundation is putting a great deal of effort to make a shared standard for wireless underwater communication that can link networks which are far away from them having ocean sensors. 

The U.S.Navy and National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) already have huge networks of sensors that use sound waves rather than radio waves for effective underwater communication. Developing a shared standard of under sea wireless networks could make way for the transmission of data across existing and future networks to anyone who is having a mobile device such as a smartphone, tablet or a laptop. This will help both scientists and ordinary people to see warnings and updated information in real-time. 

Currently NOAA is using a network of tsunami sensors which use acoustic waves to transmit information about possible quakes etc. These are initially received at the floating buoys which in turn convert those into radio waves for transmission to satellites that pass the data across the world. But with the development of underwater tsunami sensors, they can compile much more comprehensive data for warning at coastal areas and ships about the waves. These sensors can also communicate with each other on different locations. Discovering and studying of ocean life and environmental changes can also be greatly improved. Let us hope all these technologies are used for a better and safer future of man kind. 

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